A1 Education : July 2014


What is EDUCATION.? Simply Education is the Process of attaining the Systematic instructions and Informations specially Schools, Colleges and Universities. Some People says the Education is the learning the Sense  getting Skills and knowledge.
Importance Of Education: 
The Education is compulsory for all nations. No Nation can be survive without modern Education. Only Education Brings Prosperity in the Country. Ever Country giving special attention to the Modern Education.

EDUCATION IMPACT ON DEVELOPMENT: Modern world searching for Newest ways of learning. Invention and Innovations are based upon Education. Only Skilled and Trainee nations Education is responsible for Social and Economics Development. For the Sake Of Education All sectors of Economy will be permute. Only Education Impact on Development.
Education & Industrial Development : 
Education is the Key Of Development in every Fields of Life. Technology Education leads to Industrial Development. If in the Industrial Sector Of Economy People are Educated and Workers are skilled and trainee the Educated Staff make Good Policies for Betterment and Worker also all this process leads to increase the Productive capacity in Industrial Sector.

Education & Agricultural Development : 
 For the improvement in Agricultural Sector the Education play role like Back-Bone. If there are Educated , Skilled and Trainee people in Country they also make Plane and labor work very well this leads to Increase the Agriculture Production this process leads to Prosperity.
Education Improve The Living Stander:
Education Improve the Living stander If there are well educated and Policy maker in the Country this leads to increase the Production of all sectors of Economy. This leads to Increase the level of Incomes. When incomes increase People are able to spend a good live. Thus if prof the EDUCATION Improve the Living Stander Of people.

Why Education In Necessary

For the Sake of Development Education becomes very necessary. This is the Education which leads to Progress and Development. The Developed Countries like USA, UK,CANADA, SWITZERLAND, JAPAN, TURKEY, ITLY and GERMANY follow the Education. Simply We know Education means Learning. Learning or Teaching Something New. In every Field of Life Education is compulsory.

The Education leads to improvement and Development in Every sector. For Example in the Industrial Sectors the Staff are educated and skilled as well as labor  also skilled and trainee the Productive capacity will increase at Higher level. Same Like If Industrial Staff are not Skilled and Trainee the Productive capacity will be very low. Thus Education Impact on Productive capacity.

" Education Impact on Productive capacity "

The Education Becomes very Necessary for all Fields of life. We show it with Example. Same like in The Agricultural  sector the People use Modern harvesting  way they use better seed, fertilizers and irrigation its leads the Production will be increase at Higher level.  All this Process done by Educated and skilled people.

" Education Impact On Income Level (NI & GDP)"

We know without the Education the Development is not Possible. The Skilled and trainee people"s Production Capacity is Higher. This Leads to increase in NI (National Incomes) and P.C.I when People Incomes Increase their Life Stander  Will  be Increase. Education Impact on Increase.  
" Education Impact On Development "

Education is Teaching, learning, this means Improving or Development. Education Impact on increase on production capacity and Income levels same as Education Impact on Development. Education is the process of Development. Educated , skilled and trainee people work at peak level. The production will be also increase. When production increase the Incomes level also increase. 

Online Masters Degrees

Many Universities and Colleges offer Online Programs. Millions of  people due to busy life thy can not attend regularly Classes So they want to study Online.  Through internet you can join online programs.  An online course of study prompting a degree in a specific field. They teaches online you by video lectures. These projects arrive in a mixed bag of diverse structures relying upon the scholarly program, for example, an associate's, a bachelor's, an expert's and a doctorate. If You done yours bachelor's degree You can get online  admission in Master Degree. Just follow the instructions of university and start online education. Online Earning is type of Distance Education. Online lectures will be provides to you. 
Here lists of Master program

> Master of Science in Agronomy 
> Master of Science in Agricultural
> Master in Business Administration
> Master In Economics
> Master in Commerce
> Master in International Construction management
> Master in natural Resources and Conservation.
> Master in International Relation (IR)
> Master in Education.
> Master in Physical Education
> Master in Social Sciences
> Master in Computer Sciences. (Mcs)
> Master in Mass Communication
>  Master in Info & Tech
> Master Of Science in Nursing 

Here we provides the list of online Courses. Like Phoenix University provides more then 30 Online master Courses.   You can continue study online by getting admission in registered University and college.  Online Education is very useful for Busy people like Job holders and Businessmen can continue their studies through internet. In the online Education there are no class rooms. In Online Education Universities and colleges provides the Video lectures to the Students. Thus online Education Means if You are very busy don't Stop you carrier.

You can complete Your education by Online Learning. Online Education is the Most Modern Way of Teaching or learning. Online Education is very popular in Developed countries. Now also getting popularity in Undeveloped Countries.
 The Development Processes Based upon an Education.
 By Online Education You can complete You Master Degrees above or mentioned Master Program. University of Phoenix, University Of PENN provides many Online Courses. In Pakistan VU (Virtual University) In India University of Delhi, In Nepal Kathmandu University, In Sire Lanka University of Colombo, are providing the Online master Degrees.