What is EDUCATION.? Simply Education is the Process of attaining the Systematic instructions and Informations specially Schools, Colleges and Universities. Some People says the Education is the learning the Sense  getting Skills and knowledge.
Importance Of Education: 
The Education is compulsory for all nations. No Nation can be survive without modern Education. Only Education Brings Prosperity in the Country. Ever Country giving special attention to the Modern Education.

EDUCATION IMPACT ON DEVELOPMENT: Modern world searching for Newest ways of learning. Invention and Innovations are based upon Education. Only Skilled and Trainee nations Education is responsible for Social and Economics Development. For the Sake Of Education All sectors of Economy will be permute. Only Education Impact on Development.
Education & Industrial Development : 
Education is the Key Of Development in every Fields of Life. Technology Education leads to Industrial Development. If in the Industrial Sector Of Economy People are Educated and Workers are skilled and trainee the Educated Staff make Good Policies for Betterment and Worker also all this process leads to increase the Productive capacity in Industrial Sector.

Education & Agricultural Development : 
 For the improvement in Agricultural Sector the Education play role like Back-Bone. If there are Educated , Skilled and Trainee people in Country they also make Plane and labor work very well this leads to Increase the Agriculture Production this process leads to Prosperity.
Education Improve The Living Stander:
Education Improve the Living stander If there are well educated and Policy maker in the Country this leads to increase the Production of all sectors of Economy. This leads to Increase the level of Incomes. When incomes increase People are able to spend a good live. Thus if prof the EDUCATION Improve the Living Stander Of people.